

The Pearlmark Approach to Sustainable Development in Business

Pearlmark is fully committed to acting in the best interest of our investors. It is our goal to deliver strategies that seek to preserve and maximize risk-adjusted returns while continuously working to further strengthen our investment capabilities; this is complemented by a thoughtful and comprehensive sustainability plan. Pearlmark is committed to integrating environmental, social, and governance factors into our investment processes in furtherance of our commitment to investors.

Pearlmark’s framework is bifurcated between Corporate Operations and our owned Real Estate Portfolio. While Pearlmark applies a different treatment to each aspect, both include a holistic approach to managing environmental, social, and governance risks and opportunities and to integrating sustainability into the company's overall business strategy.

By adopting this framework, we believe we can create long-term value for investors while managing risks. This framework details our firm-wide commitment to integrating sustainability practices into our investment processes, Corporate Operations, and owned Real Estate Portfolio. This framework resulted from deep stakeholder engagement with investors, partners, and employees, and includes mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on performance. Finally, it outlines the foundation, ownership, and oversight that underpins our approach with an emphasis on improving the long-term financial outcomes of our investments and on sustaining a positive corporate culture.

Please contact us at for our detailed framework.